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  Doğal Kaynaklar ve Gıda Ekonomisi

Yurtdışı İlişkiler

  • NORAD ( Norwegian Agency for International  Development )
           Konu: Norveç’te Kooperatifler Aracılığıyla  Tarım ve Tarımsal Pazarlama,  Agricultural
           University of Norway, Dept. of Agr. Economics ( 1981-1982 , 11 Ay), Norway.

  • DAAD ( German Academic Exchange Service)
           Konu: Tarımsal Sektör Analizleri, Bonn University, Dept. of  Agr. Economics, 1986
           ( 2 Ay), Germany.

  • DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service)
           Konu: Çevresel Etki Değerlendirmesi ve Projelendirme, Justus-Liebig University,
           Giessen, Faculty of Agriculture, Dept. of Agr. Econ.  1994 (Two months), Germany.

  • Uludag University,  Friedrich Naumann-Stiftung
           Konu: Kooperatiflerin Gelişimi, Plovdiv University, Bulgaria and  Budapest,
           Hungary, 1995 (11 Gün).

  • Food Marketing Policy Center, USA 
           Subject:  Member of an Inter-regional Project Named as NE-165 Carried on for
           The Period of 1996-2001 Under the Coordination of Connecticut University, CANRE.

  • ISSEI (The International Society for the Study of European Ideas)
           Konu: 21. Y.Y. Avrupasında Tarımsal Yapı Değişimleri ve Politikalar, Organizing
           a Workshop at the Conference of ISSEI held in Israel, 16-21 1998.

  • The International Institute, Histadrut-Israel 
           Konu (Ders verme), Tarım İşletmelerinin Planlanması ve Yatırım Analizi
           (Farm Planning and Investment Analysis),  8-16, June 1999.

           Konu: Türk Gıda Sanayinde Dikey ilişkiler ve Sözleşmeli Tarım: Türkiye ve
           ABD’nin Karşılaştırmalı Analizi, Food Marketing Policy Center, Connecticut,
           USA (6 Ay).   
  • Agricultural University of Plovdiv, Bulgaria
           Konu (Ders verme), Tarım İşletmelerinin Planlanması ve Yatırım Analizi
           (Farm Planning and Investment Analysis), 9-18, June 2002.

  • Ege University, Izmir, Turkey
           Konu (Ders verme): Organik Ürün Pazarlamasında Sorunlar (Tackling the
           market obstacles for the organic products), Mediterranean Agronomic
           Institute of Chania (MAICH), Short course on Marketing of Organic        
           Products, 20-31 May 2002.

  • ISSEI (The International Society For the Study of European Ideas)
           Konu: Industrialization in the Agro-Food Sector and Globalization, Workshop chair,
           at the conference of ISSEI will be held in Aberystwyth, Wales 22-27 June  2002.

  • ISSEI (The International Society for the Study of European Ideas)
           Konu: Agriculture, Trade and Sustainability, Organizing a Workshop
           at the Conference of ISSEI will be held in Spain, 2-7 August, 2004

Ekim 2007, Bursa